This cold fall morning has helped me really get in the mood for the holiday that is only a week away. To be honest, it is hard for me to believe that another Thanksgiving is already upon us - doesn't it seem like last year's Turkey Day just happened? But at Church Street NightLife on Sunday, we did a program on gratitude. The first part of the night began with having a few minutes to list 20 things we were thankful for. The challenge was to think of things other than the go-to answers of family, friends, etc. and instead, to be specific. Of course, I am so blessed to have a wonderful family, great friends, a place to live, an awesome job, the chance to go to college, and to live in this great country...but when you are supposed to come up with things to be thankful for other than these "rabbit" answers, it can be a little harder. But here is the start of my Thankful List (in no particular order).
So many times, we take these simple little things for granted. I know in the grand scheme of things, being thankful for jokes or crafts may seem trite - but those things really do bring me joy, so why not say thanks for them?
One of my all-time favorite movies is Holiday Inn starring Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire. Bing's character has written a song for each of the holidays of the year, although, by the time Thanksgiving rolls around, he isn't feeling so thankful after all. I'm sure we can all relate to the way he feels in this clip, but this holiday season, let's all try to find the joy in the little things in life. Click here to see the scene, and tell somebody you love you're thankful for them today.
Live with love,
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