Dear, sweet girl,
As I write you this letter, I'm sitting at my desk with a vase of sunflowers and a candle that smells like fall. And I'm thinking of you. Praying for you. Because life is hard as a middle or high schooler. There is a lot of pressure. So much comparison. Crushing expectations. And there isn't much time to figure out who you are.
I can tell you one thing. You are loved. You are so dearly loved. Even on days when it doesn't seem that way - it is true. You were created for a purpose, in the beautiful image of your Father, and that is not something we should take for granted. But we all know that we do.
This purpose I'm talking about can sound daunting. And you may not know yet what you will become. But there is purpose in today. And that purpose is set aside for you. Just for you, dear one. And it doesn't matter what it is that you love to do...that desire was given to you for a reason. You may not see it, but others do.
If you love to read, read books of worth. Choose stories of heroines that are strong and bold. Pick books that make you think and challenge your spirit. And pay attention in your English classes - because your teachers are wiser than you give them credit.
If you love to cheer, cheer loudly! And make sure your squad only yells "S-C-O-R-E" when your team actually has the ball. And when the student section doesn't' cheer along, try not to take it personally. You just keep doing your thing.
If you love to perform, don't hold back. The stage is full of lessons to learn - jump in feet first. When you a learning about a character, let it teach you about other people. See the world the way you see the theatre. And ALWAYS pack a snack during tech week.
If you love to play sports, run fast and jump high and work hard. Because you are talented. We both know you are. But talent needs hard work to make something of it. Push yourself in practice and it'll show up in a game.
If you love to dance, dance fiercely! And love every minute, because one day, you'll miss the studio. Although you may not put on a leotard and tights anymore, you do have wedding season to look forward to - and you'll KILL IT on the dance floor. Oh, and when you do leave dancing behind, don't quit stretching. You'll lose your splits faster than you can imagine. Trust me.
If you love animals, love them well. They need you! Find a farm that welcomes you in just as you are. And remember, there are times when puppies and horses are the best kind of friends. And that is more than ok.
If you love learning, never stop. Push yourself in school. Ask hard questions. And be patient with those around you who might not feel the same way. As a matter of fact, help that kid that never seems to figure the homework out. Life is tough for them too, you know.
If you love fashion, dress well. Be yourself and be modest. This doesn't mean you have to wear a burlap sack, but you and I both know what is and isn't ok. Make the choice for yourself - I promise you'll be glad you did.
If you love music, make a joyful noise! Sing to the top of your lungs! Play to your heart's content! And practice. Play your scales and sing your warm-ups. And remember, learning classically will give you all the tools you need. But it's still ok to sing along to the radio.
If you love being involved, join that club! Run for SGA, help organize an event, work for the yearbook! Test the waters in all kinds of different things, and see where your heart really lies. But don't get so busy that you forget to be still. Because filling a schedule is easy. Prioritizing takes a little more work.
If you're a dreamer, dream big.
If you're scared, it's ok.
If you don't know what on earth you're doing, you'll figure it out.
If you feel lost, don't. You've already been found.
Because you see, sweet girl, you are in the palm of our Creator's hand. The One who breathed life into this world did the same thing for you. He loves you. He desires a relationship with you. He sees your worth. Don't you? Oh, I know you don't. But it is there. Under the insecurity or the make-up or the good grades or the bad ones, there is a beautiful, smart, exciting human. And I just love her. She's the best there is.
I'll leave you with this: Don't grow up too fast. Listen to your parents. Laugh with your friends. Challenge yourself. Seek out a mentor. Eat ice cream. Go to high school football games - even if you don't think it's your thing, give it a try, just once, for me. When you start to drive, BE SAFE. Forgive faster than you want to. Learn from your mistakes. Cut yourself some slack. Love the Lord. Trust in Him. For His provision is good and His love endures.
Things are tough, but you'll get through them. I believe in you. And remember that part I said a while back? The part about you being so dearly loved? Please, please believe it. Because it is true.
All my love,